Upcoming Events

Heritage Week Community Gathering

February 18-19

February 20-21

Council Chambers, North Saanich Municipal Hall 1620 Mills Road

The Sidney Museum is thrilled to be participating in the District of North Saanich’s Heritage Week Community Gathering!

Come by the Council Chambers to see our set up of “Pastimes in Past Times” which will include poetry, newspaper clippings, objects, and more! We hope to see you there!

Cemetery Tour:
Life on the Saanich Peninsula and in Sidney-by-the-Sea

Sunday, April 13th
Royal Oak Burial Park

The Sidney Museum is thrilled to be partnering with the Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria to present a tour at Royal Oak Burial  Park focusing on the history of Sidney, the Saanich Peninsula, and the residents who have lived there.

For more information visit: oldcem.bc.ca/tours/tours-schedule/#april-13-royal-oak-burial-park

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