19th Annual
LEGO® Brick Exhibit
A Hidden World
December 20, 2024 –
March 30, 2025.
Hundreds of classic LEGO® brick creations will be displayed throughout the Museum, with many positioned to demonstrate hidden details and unique angles that highlight the attention-to-detail employed in the creation of LEGO brick sets. Visitors can anticipate returning displays drawing from themes such as Architecture, Creator Expert, Star Wars™, and Lord of the Rings™ alongside new featured sets like Notre-Dame de Paris, Jaws, the Batmobile™, and much more!

The Sidney Museum has lots of amazing special events planned this Family Day Long Weekend, February 15-17th
The Sidney Museum is open all weekend long from 10:00am-4:00pm, daily. Come see hundreds of LEGO® sets on display from Lord of the Rings, to Star Wars, to Space, and more! We’ve also got fun activities including Guess the Number of Bricks and Find a special hidden Minifigure. Admission is by donation.
Watch LEGO® Certified Professional Robin Sather build the Hawaii Mars
LEGO® Certified Professional Robin Sather will once again be back at the Sidney Museum all weekend long completing a Feature Build of the Hawaii Mars! Drop in to say hello watch him work!
Contribute to the Peninsula Co-op Community Mosaic
Participate in creating a section of the LEGO® mosaic build at the Sidney Museum. Contribute your unique piece to this work of art which will eventually be showcased to the public!
Take part in the Beacon Avenue Scavenger Hunt
Visit the Sidney Museum to pick up your Beacon Avenue Scavenger Hunt and then set off through the town to find LEGO® sets on display in participating businesses. Find them all and be entered in a draw to win a prize!
Visit the Victoria LEGO® User’s Group Display at the Sidney Pier Hotel
Once you’ve taken in the sights and activities at the Sidney Museum, stroll on down to the Sallas Room of the Sidney Pier Hotel, where the Victoria LEGO® Users Group (VicLUG) will have an extensive display set up for your viewing pleasure.

Would you like your LEGO creation displayed at the museum? CLICK HERE for more info on how you can enter our Community Creations Display!