Sidney Waterfront Signage Project

If you have recently walked along Sidney’s scenic waterfront, you may have noticed that some of the heritage panels showcasing the history of Sidney and the Saanich Peninsula are in need of repair! These signs were originally installed in 2009, with topics ranging from the James Island Explosives Plant to the history of sea routes between Vancouver Island and the Mainland.
The Sidney Museum has made plans to revitalize and redesign the existing waterfront heritage signage, as well as to add content that creates a more inclusive and diverse space along the accessible waterfront walk.
Are you interested in sponsoring one of our Waterfront Signs?
This project is being partially funded by the BC 150 Time Immemorial Grant Program, but Sidney Museum & Archives is seeking additional financial support to account for increased design and fabrication costs, as well as providing fair compensation to W̱SÁNEĆ Elders and Knowledge-keepers for their collaboration in this project. Our goal is to ensure that the new interpretive signs will accurately reflect the richness and diversity of the ongoing story of Sidney and the Saanich Peninsula for the benefit of residents and visitors alike for years to come. If this is a project that you feel passionate about being involved in, we would be grateful for your support!
The Sidney Museum & Archives would like to acknowledge Heritage BC, the WSANEC Leadership Council, The Town of Sidney, and the Sidney Business Improvement Area Society, for their generous support in making this project possible.